Piercing – Review

Piercing is an odd little film. It clocks in at a sprightly 82 minutes and is a strange beast in terms of horror cinema. We get a lot films about serial killers and their origins but this is somethin...

Terrified (Aterrados) – Review

A film doesn’t have to have great scale to work effectively. The reason that the horror genre is so attractive to first time feature film makers is two fold. It can be particularly cost effective, wh...
The Shape of Water

Top Ten Films Of 2018 – John’s Picks

2018 was a pretty good year for movies. A relatively large number of titles lived up to the hype, especially in the MCU where the ten-year build up paid off with the largest grossing film of the year...

Elizabeth Harvest

Elizabeth Harvest is one of those films that will surprise you. It starts as mystery thriller with some very fine ideas behind it. What it becomes is something entirely different. In order to preserv...


One of the early highlights of the 2018 Sitges Film Festival was the world premiere screening of Ron Perlman’s new film Asher. The man himself was in attendance to receive an award from the festival ...


Gareth Evans is probably best known for his forays into martial arts with The Raid films. Given that these were so critically successful it seemed obvious that Netflix would be calling at some point ...


The question of our place in the universe is one that has been at the attention of scholars for almost as long as we have studied the stars. It is only in the last half century that we have had the t...

A Better Tomorrow 2018

Reboots and reimaginings have been a staple of the movie industry from almost the time a camera recorded moving images for dramatic purposes. It can be seen as a cynical ploy on the part of studios t...

Au Poste

There is something to be said for brevity. Taking their lessons from their start in short films, the best directors keep a film as tight as possible in order to gain maximum impact for the material t...

Climax – Review

For many Gasper Noe is seen as the bad boy of art house cinema. His films tend to polarise opinion and as a consequence he is rarely out of the limelight. A darling of the Cannes Film Festival, he on...