The King's Man

The King’s Man – Review

The last time we saw The King’s Man organisation back in 2017’s The Golden Circle, Eggsy and Harry were teaming up with their US counterparts in order to save the world (and the King’s Man agency) fr...

Thomas’s Top 10 of 2015

2015 will forever be known as the year of the reboot/sequel. Not only did these films primarily dominate the box office (including two separate world records being set) the stony hearts of critics we...

Kingsman: The Secret Service

To be honest I wasn’t really looking forward to this. The trailer had something about it that virtually screamed here are all the best bits of the movie. Trailers are increasingly guilty of thi...

X-Men: Days of Future Past

The near future is an apocalyptic wasteland. Giant robots known as Sentinels exist to eradicate the mutant race. Those that are left survive day to day, hoping for a way to end the nightmare. Kitty P...

More Cake, Jason ?

It has been announced that there will be a sequel to the 2004 cult hit Layer Cake.  Jason Statham’s production company has obtained the rights to the book and the Stath will appear in the un-na...

The Debt

Every action has a reaction. It may not be immediate and it may not be apparent, but it will happen and the consequences of the action can be far reaching.  This forms the basic premise for the 2011 ...