The Pale Man Pans Labyrinth

Six of the Best – Movie Monsters

Our cinematic love affair can be traced all the way back to 1915 and The Golem. A silent movie, it was one of the first to feature a “creature” – a clay statue brought to life to protect the Jewish p...


In 1975 a movie was released that terrified audiences from going into the water. Much has been said how it killed the tourist trade of some beach towns and demonised the shark so much that we saw an ...

The Last Shark

When Jaws surfaced in 1975 it smashed box office records and is credited for inventing the summer blockbuster. Imitation is the greatest form of cashing in and shark films soon flooded the market, an...

Six Of The Best : Movie Monsters

Over the years there have been plenty of giant, terrifying beasts that have been concocted in the imaginations of some of the world’s greatest filmmakers. Having graced the silver screen, many of the...

Six Of The Best: All At Sea

Only the grandest of adventures are fit for the seafaring.  Filled with heart and imagination, Swallows and Amazons is reminiscent of swashbuckling adventures such as Treasure Island and Pirates of t...

Six Of The Best: Shark! Shark!

Since Steven Spielberg’s Jaws took a chunk out of the box-office in 1975, shark films have become a genre in their own right. It’s because of the way they’re shown on screen that sharks have a reputa...

Shark Lake

Shark films inhabit an incredibly popular genre of movies that make up in entertainment for what they often lack in originality. Whereas most movies just rip off Jaws, the much loved Sharknado franch...

Welcome…to Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park was released twenty two years ago. Does that make you feel old? In that time some of you will have went to high school, university and maybe even had a couple of kids. What I’m getting ...